Keep On Moving

“It doesn’t matter how many steps it takes to get to where your going, as long as you continue to keep making steps towards your destination”! 

I find myself re-stepping or sidestepping  over things that should have never been placed back onto my path. I had to realize that “doubt” is never to be stepped on, “doubt should be cleaned up! So I’m going to keep moving on in my step towards progress because time is ticking and every second counts!

New Begining For Me

I remember back in the day when my passion for everything was far beyond my own expectations. I knew just like many of you that I would be this amazing someone and I was destined for greatness, right? Then I realized that my trials were on overload, my tribulations were on hyper drive and there was no way for me to ever catch that one star that kept me above all those fallen stars.  Have i failed and fell? Yes, plenty of times, and I get back up with scrapes, and deeply bruised lashes of unworthiness.

What amazes me is how quick we are able to motivate others but sometimes lack that ability to motivate our selves. Will I ever grow and live my dream of becoming this great writer, I do believe so. My first step was creating this blog. You ever seen someone hit rock bottom and exhausted all possibilities? I’m exhausted but I believe in my endless possibilities. So I hope that you enjoy what I blog and begin to see that not only am I worth it all but so are you.